Plot: Crawl is a character-driven thriller set in an unknown, rural town. A seedy bar-owner hires a mysterious Croatian to murder an acquaintance over an unpaid debt. The crime is carried out, but a planned double-crossing backfires and an innocent waitress suddenly becomes involved. Now a hostage in her own home, the young woman is driven to desperate measures for survival. A suspenseful, yet darkly humorous chain of events builds to a blood-curdling and unforgettable climax.
Genre: Crime | Thriller
IMDB Rating: 4.8/10 from 328 users
Directed by: Paul China
Starring: Andy Barclay, Paul Bryant and Lauren Dillon
Release Name: Crawl.2011.720p.BluRay.x264-SONiDO
Size: 3.27 GB
Video: MKV | 1280×528
Audio: English | DTS
Runtime: 1h 17 min