Plot: Last Dance follows the story of Sadiq Mohammad (Firass Dirani), a young radical Palestinian who, after fleeing from a failed suicide bombing of a synagogue, holds holocaust survivor Ulah Lippman (Julia Blake) hostage in her apartment. Desperately wounded, Sadiq hides in Ulahs flat, planning his next move. As the police close in, Sadiq and Ulah are forced to confront their own pasts as their present collide.

Genre: Drama
IMDB Rating: 6.8/10 from 17 users
Directed by: David Pulbrook
Starring: Julia Blake, Danielle Carter, Nicole Chamoun

Release Name: Last.Dance.2012.720p.BluRay.x264-PFa
Size: 4.37 GB
Video: MKV | 1280 x 720 | 5379 kbps
Audio: English | DTS | 128 kbps
Runtime: 1h 28mn
Subtitles: English []